Masrour Barzani: Don't Run from Responsibility-Sherwan Sherwani

Shortly after Masrour Barzani, son of former Kurdish Iraq president Masoud Barzani, transitioned from Security Intelligence Chief to Prime Minister, none advised him to think, approach issues differently. Instead, he did what any spy chief would do.

He immediately imprisoned Sherwan Sherwani, several other journalists on charges of espionage, defamation/slander (defamation/slander in the Middle East mostly applies without consideration of truth or veracity of claims). And according to several sources, without evidence.

Irony hit back briefly though when Shnyar Anwar Hassan sued Masrour for defamation and slander, later in a Virginia court house.

Despite public condemnations by diplomats, as the US and German Consulates in Erbil, protests in the streets, journalists typing on keyboards furiously, Masrour remained obstinate and steadfast in his decision. His family runs "every aspect" of Duhok and Erbil. Who will stop him?

Even when President Nechirvan Barzani granted amnesty to these prisoners, reducing their prison sentences 60%, Sherwan Sherwani's sentence, only 50%.

Then, at the very moment Sherwan Sherwani was to be released, he was charged and imprisoned 4 extra years, with a new charge of forgery, after signing another prisoner's name with permission, on a petition.

And in a finale "weird" twist of impunity and autocracy, a journalist that publicly criticized the decision, was imprisoned the same day, released shortly afterwards.

After working a few years in the Kurdish region of #Iraq. After thorough research. After having my own life, my own family threatened over revealing the American International School of Kurdistan Erbil was a diploma mill.

I am inclined to believe, Sherwan Sherwani's recent sentence was vindictive, and he is completely innocent. 

Worse, according to the Metro Center for the Protection of Journalist's Rights ( in Kurdish). The PDK partry is now responsible for more repression against free speech and journalism, than the PUK and PKK parties, and for the overall lack of safety, and the toxic repression within the Kurdish region, deteriorating over the years. Such repression entails attacking journalists' homes and forcibly closing workplaces, coordinated cyber attacks, blacklisting at jobs and sports events and other functions, and even reportedly murders (Sardasht Osman/Wedad Hussein Ali). 

When founder of NRT News, Shashwar Abdulwahid, called for mass protests, civilians, journalists, and parliamentary members were assaulted and imprisoned, prior attendance of protests. 

Nearly all aforementioned arrests occurred with little concern for or no evidence, due process, rule of law, and impartiality of courts. More essentials of Democracy, Republicanism, than LGBT, climate, and women's rights. The former can not be ignored, while demanding the latter.

  • As a 15 year human rights enthusiast, I believe the Kurds are not animals. Their children are just as precious, as our own. Their rights, equally valuable.
  • As a Muslim, I believe Islam and human rights are synonymous.
  • As a researcher, I am aware instability, Islamophobia, diasporas and refugees, have a direct correlation with repression and corruption by dictatorships.

I feel it is the responsibility of every true and decent leader to treat their people, as humans. Masrour Barzani, as every leader, should not run away from this responsibility. It takes no money to meet that obligation.

Therefore, I humbly request that future blacklisting be incurred monetarily by the esteemed US Congress Democratic National Committee Republican National Committee The White House (withholding of aid and certain diplomatic privileges) and to consider implementing Articles 94 and 119 of the Iraqi Constitution, as Iraqi Parliament member Alia Nusaif Jasim demanded of the Prime Minister's Office, Republic of Iraq, dissolving the Kurdistan Regional government. Permanently, without prejudice. 

Thus, forming a PDK government for Duhok, Erbil, and a PUK government for Halabaja, Suleimania. Repeated attempts at coercing unity among both parties persistently have failed for 2 decades. The last Parliament meeting concluded in fist fights and a firearm pulled.

Or an alternative. Remove the PKK from the U.S. Department of State FTO list, as Senators Robert Menendez and the late John McCain and former President Barack Obama performed with the PUK/PDK parties in 2014. Thus providing an effective third political party which has not been co-opted by the PUK/PDK. Due to the Turkey offensive over decades, the PKK are now stronger than prior, everywhere.


In prudence, Historian Henry Commager made an exigent observation that we normally apply state terrorism toward foes, rather than allies, instead categorizing acts by the latter, as national defense or state and non-state actors. This must stop, as our own foreign policy objectives are often thwarted, American tax dollars wasted, innocent humans harmed. Integrity destroyed.

I am convinced Professor George Lopez's heuristics are more accurate.

But, I believe Dr. Simon Taylor hit the bullseye with his definition of state terrorism of which I would like to one day see applied toward foes and allies in the future:

"State agents using threats or acts of violence against civilians, marked by a callous indifference to human life, to instill fear in a community beyond the initial victim for the purpose of preventing a change or challenge to the status quo."

I aver to the honorable President Joe Biden, don't let human rights be extorted on your watch. The pillars are corrupt, the house can not be fixed. The other Iraq died with Mr. Joseph Robinette Beau Biden III.

Let him and this horrible mess rest in peace, please. Worse than humiliation, is disgrace. The horse will not drink, because it is heading another path, on its own.

Pull the plug please.

Joni Ernst Cory Booker



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