My Ancestor Bunzaemon Kageyama: Battle of Sekigahara

 My ancestor #BunzaemonShigefusaKageyama, participated in the "very first" attack and confrontation during the famous #BattleofSekigahara.

He represented #YoshishigeHachisuka, but fought directly under the command of #TodoTakatora and #FukushimaMasanori, on the left front flank of Tokugawa Ieyasu's army (circled on the map in one of the pictures) .

This video at 8:35-9:10, shows this "very first attack" which shockingly and unexpectedly broke the lines of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's forces in the Battle of Sekigahara:

The Battle of Sekigahara was the largest battle of Japan's feudal history, some consider the most important, as peace would last 250 years afterwards. The Battle Of Sekigahara

Though my ancestor Yozaemon Kageyama served Toyotomi Hideyoshi, under Masakatsu Hachisuka previously, his grandson, Bunzaemon would serve Tokugawa Ieyasu, under Yoshishige Hachisuka, against Hideyoshi's remaining forces.

Loyalty is never easy to decide, as some wrongly assume (Should he have been loyal to Hideyoshi or Hachisuka?).

During the battle, the nephew of #toyotomihideyoshi who also fought against his uncle's forces, #KobayakawaHideaki, saved my ancestor's life.

I intend, one day, a descendant of someone he saved, 600 years later, visit Hideakis grave in Zuinji Temple in #Okayama, and pay my deepest sincerest respects ❤️🙏 zuiunji龍珠山 龍光山・瑞雲寺

This is honor in my family 💯

We dont forget, we don't forgive either. And for centuries.

Source, page 31 of Akira Haruta's book on my ancestors "Tangaku Fujita and Sanyo Rai."

A list of samurai serving under the Hachisuka clan. Kageyama can be found twice here.

My ancestor's files can be viewed by the public at Tokushima University Library archives here:;jsessionid=832fc48a20875f4c2e971b3473ef

#蔭山分左衛門重房 #蜂須賀正勝 #豊臣秀吉 #徳川家康 #蜂須賀至鎮 #京極 高知 #福島正則 #藤堂高虎 #藤田丹岳


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